Exam Good Luck Gifts - Exam Survival Gifts

Mocks and test papers are passed and now it's time for the real thing! We all probably remember the build up to exams - the trepidation, anxiety, sleepless nights worrying about what we'll be asked and whether we've done enough revision to get the grades we need to go to 6th Form, College, University or to get that important first job. Below are just 5 possible ways to support your friends and loved ones in the build up to and during their exams. Sending a Box of Hugs gift box through the post to say 'Good Luck In Your Exams' can also be a great way of sending an added boost of encouragement, confidence and a reassuring Big Hug to friends, kids, grandchildren, nephews and nieces or anyone else with exams coming up - and letting them know that they've 'Got This'.
5 Ways To Support Friends and Loved Ones During Their Exams
The approach to exams can bring up a different mix of emotions for each person. Some may feel some excitement as exams approach - after all not all stress is bad and sometimes a bit of stress can even feel quite exciting, particularly if you enjoy and are good at exams! Others may feel a relief that mocks and test papers are behind them and they can finally get on with the 'real' exams and get them out of the way and move on. However, for others, it can be a challenging and anxiety-provoking time, a time to endure and to just 'get through' as best they can. However your friends or loved ones are feeling as their exams approach, here are five ideas for ways to support them:
1. Food: Make their favourite meal or pop in with their favourite snacks and treats to keep them going - sometimes meals are the last thing on their mind when they're studying but our brains need good food for energy!
2. Exercise, fresh air and sleep: Encourage them to get outside - to stretch, to get some fresh air and exercise and to refresh themselves and give their brain and body a rest. It might help with sleep too - which is vital for coping with the levels of concentration and intensity required at exam time. Remind them that it is ok to have some down-time and some fun during exam time too - and that this might help manage their worry and anxiety and sustain them through the more difficult exams and across the weeks of exams.
3. Support: Let them know you're there for them, for whatever they need whenever they need it - whether it's to listen, to help them re-focus, to prepare, to reassure them or simply to give them a Big Hug and a bit of a boost. The pressure of 'needing to do well' in exams can be huge for some during exam time. Encourage your friends and loved ones to talk to you, a teacher, lecturer, parent or a grownup they trust if the exam pressure is becoming too overwhelming, and help them get the help and support as and when they need it.
4. Have something to look forward to: Plan something fun to look forward to when their exams have finished - it might be a trip, a celebratory meal, a party - something to celebrate their achievement and to keep them going when the going gets tough.
5. Encouragement: Send little messages of encouragement to them throughout their exams - or gifts to say 'Good Luck' to let them know you're thinking of them and you believe in them. Maybe something they can hold onto, or have on their desks or in their pockets to remind them that you are in their corner and that they'll be ok.
Lovely gift ideas to say 'Good Luck In Your Exams'
If you're looking for a 'Good Luck' gift to send to friends and loved ones as their exams approach, take a look at our 'Ready-Made' gift options, or choose your own gifts from our wide range in our 'Build your Own' option and tailor-make a gift box just for them.
Whether you're looking for a Letterbox sized gift, or a mini, regular or extra large Good Luck Hamper - here are just a few ideas to get you started....
Wishing loads of luck to everyone taking exams over the next few weeks and months. Remember - you are unique and amazing and you can only do your best.

Love and Hugs
Lucy, Anna and Sophie
Box of Hugs Founders and sisters